Samsung Galaxy Camera

Nearing the end of 2012, we can look back on two major trends of the imaging market this year: big sensors in little cameras, and wireless connectivity. Samsung’s new Galaxy Camera—technically dubbed the EK-GC100—certainly represents the latter of these two movements. In fact it’s really the pinnacle of this idea, since the Galaxy Camera doesn’t just include WiFi, doesn’t just include GPS, but also supports full 4G mobile broadband, and runs Android OS 4.1 (a.k.a. “Jelly Bean”).
You can’t make phone calls with the Galaxy Camera, but for the first time you can take advantage of instant remote photo sharing, in a way that’s actually convenient. And when you’re done, you can play a little Angry Birds or use any other Android app. All this is attached to a solid travel zoom, which is far superior to your average smartphone camera.
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