Merlin iPhone Handset Dock

iPhone Handset Dock

Are your loved ones worried for you about mobile phone radiation ’cause you spend half the day with your phone glued to your ear? Do you get sick of accidentally pressing all the touch buttons with your face while you talk? This iPhone Dock is your answer - it has a desktop handset built in so you can take calls on your iPhone using a handset that doesn’t put out any radiation or harmful waves, and also gives you better sound quality as well as all but eliminating the iPhone 4's temperamental call drop outs. No more mashing those buttons with your cheek!
Simply sit the dock on your desk and plug it in, then place your iPhone on the dock and pair it via BLUETOOTH.
When the phone rings (and it will), simply take the call by picking up the handset and pressing the button. You may now talk to your hearts’ content in comfort and with clarity, and your family can rest easy knowing that your brain isn't being nuked while you chat. It's convenient, crystal clear, and an absolute must for any desk, whether it's in the home or at the office.
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