Saturno Unique Round Glass Office Table by Staino&Staino

An office table or desk must be practical as well as at the same time blending in with the office environment. An office furniture table must be subtle so as not to stand out in the confines of an office .Well,  Saturno is a unique round office glass table designed by Staino&Staino which could transform any modern home office into a favorite area to work. The spherical central wooden is available in different color versions, but the most gorgeous are black and white models.

The obvious inspiration point was the Saturn planet. The universe is the one thing that will always fascinate us. It’s so huge and full of mysteries that we’ll probably never discover or solve, it’s impossible to get bored exploring it. So it also makes a great source of inspiration when it comes to everyday items like furniture for example. And this table is the perfect example.

I really like the round base and they way the glass top is strategically placed in order to look like one of Saturn’s rings. It’s ingenious and clever and the result is very beautiful and stylish. It’s a nice way of bringing some fun and interesting touches to your office furniture. Just because that’s the place where you work this doesn’t mean it has to be boring and ugly.
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