"Ring of Fire" Eclipse Fascinated Millions Of People In Tokyo
Tokyo - millions of people on both sides of the Pacific are witnessing a
rare natural spectacle has become: A solar eclipse was on Monday
morning, a "ring of fire" in the skies over Asia, who moved in the
direction of the thousands of kilometers away in the West of the United
While clouds over much of southeast China prevented a clear view, many
peopleare offered a spectacular sight in Tokyo. It was the first time in
173 years that such a spectacle could be seen on the Japanese
mega-metropolis. Commuters and school children were standing in the
street, the major television networks providedlive off of, the airline
Japan Airlines organized an observation flight, which wasimmediately
sold out, the electronics giant Panasonic sent an expedition to
Even in the Western U.S. the eclipse attracted numerous onlookers. Thousands ofpeople fell into the 350-strong village Kanarraville, Utah, Los Angeles, thousandsgathered on a vantage point in the hills of Hollywood. A kind of "Ring of Fire" isobserved when the moon moves in front of the sun. Since the distance to the earth is too far to these completely to cover, such a ring can be seen.