Printed Backlit Decorative Wall Panels from Barrisol

These wonderful decorative wall panels were presented by Barrisolin Belgium what was meant to be an amazing exhibition called the Jaga Project. The project intended to cover a big area of unused space only with panels and decorations, having the panels lit from behind so as to obtain amazing light effects and shows. These panels are not only decorative, but they can also serve for separating different areas within the same room or hall or maybe exhibition.

The panels are printed with floral patterns and when they are lot they cast a sweet light from behind, making you admire the delicate shapes of the flowers that are painted there, on them. But apart from the decorative purpose of these panels you can use them for separating different parts in an exhibition where you want for example to make the distinction between certain sections. Or maybe you have too big a hall where you are supposed to host a certain event. In these cases, just use the panels from Barrisol and you will have a guaranteed effect.

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