Japanese Garden Ornaments and Accessories

hen you are looking for a unique idea for your garden, maybe the Japanese garden is one that is attracting your attention. The best thing about Japanese garden style is you don’t have even need a spacious home yard to build it. Some of you might be starting to wonder about where you should go to find a professional landscape designer to help you designing and building the Japanese garden for your home back yard. However, though you have found a professional, still you should get involved from the very first step up to the final settlement. Moreover, the best thing about Japanese garden design is the choice of Japanese garden ornaments. Yes, the ornaments are actually stuffs that differentiate Japanese garden with the other garden designs because Japanese garden has unique ornaments that are consisting of lantern, fountain, pond, bride, fence and pathway. It you have enough space you could add a small gazebo which is completed with a small table to enjoy tea.

 For the lantern, there are some materials you could use to make it and stone is one that is recommended. Stone lanterns provide unique look for the garden and since stone is one of the elements that a Japanese garden should have so choosing lantern made from stone is the best idea after all. For the design, stone lantern in Japanese garden has its own unique design which looks like a small box with a small roof shaped in the top of the box.

 Fountain is also one of the “must have” Japanese garden ornaments. For the unique look, the fountain is supposed to be designed in traditional way like Japanese people used to have which is using bamboo to channel the water flow.
 As the part of the fountain, you could add a fish pond. The size is supposed to be determined based on the available space of your home yard. You could build the fish pond in the farthest part of your garden or the nearest part of your garden and you could build a bridge to reach the farthest part of the garden.

Well, it is true that bride has significant role in making the look of your home garden really like Japanese garden. The design of bridge is also unique and mostly made from wood with hand-grip in the both side made from bamboo in curve shaped.

Japanese garden ornaments : stone pathways

Furthermore, the function of fences is also shopping people where the pathway is. For pathway in Japanese garden, you could use small stone or small rocks to cover the ground. Or you can also create pathways of bricks arranged through the garden. Bricks can be prepared by following a certain pattern or straight.
Other options for Japanese garden pathways is using wooden slabs arranged in a row. It’s will provide more Japanese oriental in your garden.
 Fence is also one of the Japanese garden ornaments you should take into account. Fences have main function in protecting the area where plants and flowers are plant. So, people would not mistake step in the ground with plants and flowers. In modern Japanese garden with medium or large fish pond, some designer use the bridge as a pathway. They make the long bridge that surrounds or cross the pool as the single access to see the garden.
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